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Writer's pictureJames Druce

How do I teach my teenager to shave? Part 2 of 2

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Well by now hopefully you've eased him (and you!) in and you've warmed up a bit to this whole topic. If your still unsure, make sure you check out the first article on this topic, as it will really help you get to grips with this. You can view it here.

OK so now your ready for a bit of a step by step guide, and the good news is we'll give you a FREE sneaky peak into what the full DRUCEBOX guide contains here. This is just the headlines, but we hope with the tips from the first article and this guide, you'll be well on your way to making life easier for your teenager shaving.

Step 1: Have a nice long shower or bath!

Get nice and clean and have a nice warm shower, it helps loosen hairs, remove grease from the skin and hydrate the hairs for a smoother shave.

Step 2: Stay sharp!

Start make sure you've got nice clean, sharp blades. We offer a 5 blade version for our razors to reduce friction.

Step 3: Softening, clear shaving gel

Apply a high quality shaving gel which hydrates the skin and hairs, and ideally is clear so that you can see where your shaving.

Step 4: Water

This tip often gets missed if your used to using a foam (which personally we don't rate) but make sure you re-splash your face with warm water to provide extra hydration and soften your skin and hairs.

Step 5: Shaving

Using gentle, short strokes apply light pressure in every direction of the shave. There's a technique to getting the closest shave, you can find all the details in our guide.

Step 6: Rinse

Make sure you rinse the blades often in warm water (if possible) to remove the gel/hairs and because shaving over warm water is adding nice steam to the experience. All this goes a long way to reducing friction, which is what we're after here because it reduced drag. We can't say it enough: make sure you shower/bath before your shave for maximum smoothness and reduced friction.

Step 7: Close up

Take your time to go over the whole area your shaving, and if your using one of our razors you'll now find a secret tool on the back of the cartridge head. Now turn the razor over, and on the reverse you'll find a small single trimmer blade which is designed to help shave in the tight and fine areas, such as your sideburns and under your nose. We have some handy diagrams in the guide to give you some tips here.

Step 8: Now chill out!

It's now important to close up your skins pores with cool (not cold!) water as you splash your face clean. Don't use the dirty water you've been rinsing your blades in, but fresh running water is ideal.

Step 9: Dry.

Make sure you pat your face dry with a clean towel so that you don't introduce loads of bacteria onto your freshly shaved faced. That's a quick way of growing a face full of spots.

Step 10: Hydrate

Once your happy with the finish and your looking sharp, now's the time to hydrate your skin again with a high quality facial after shave moisturiser. This replaces lost moisture, which helps prevent your skin from producing extra sebum oil, which is the thing that leads to spots.

Now you've learnt how to shave, make sure you follow these top tips to shaving:

  • Keep things clean - towels, surfaces, blades and razor

  • Hydration is key to a smooth shave

  • Shave in all directions for a close shave (see our guide for tips)

  • Post shave moisturiser is key to replacing moisture lost during shaving and preventing spots


You can now order your shaving kit direct from DRUCEBOX here:

We think it's the best razor for teenage boys in the UK and especially good gifts for boys starting puberty.


This article was written by James, DRUCEBOX founder and experienced Youth Advocate. James has worked with young people all his life in various faith, public sector and charitable settings. His experience has seen him and his partner foster teenagers, develop community support and work with council's to contribute to beneficial children's services. You can contact James here.

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